Or Am I...?
My interview at Glocal Forum was Wednesday and looking back on it, I'm telling myself it was good practice. It is not going to go anywhere, because I don't have work papers. The character/philosophy/personal side of the interview was excellent - I impressed those interviewers enough for them to arrange for my second interview, right then and there, with some big-shot at the org. He told me that I had 10 mins to convince him he should hire me because he was on his way out the door. At the end of my impromptu speech, he said, well we have a legal problem because you do not have a permesso di soggiorno. Vabbe', you knew this from the get-go, what are we doing here anyways?!
It's a predicament that I find very Italian in that it is full of dichotomies. It's like the pollo and the uovo - to get work papers you must have a job, but to get a job you need the papers.
So, I was feeling a bit beaten and decided to walk home, about an hour's passeggiata. It was a beautiful day, around 79 degrees , sunny... so I figured the fresh air would do me good. While I was walking I had to pass through a group of chatting middle-aged hairy men and one asked me - ma lei e' un'attrice (are you an actress)? I admit I sort of appreciate comments like this - especially because it got me thinking. While I told him I was not, in a way I am. In the job hunt process, I am forced to convince these people that I am the greatest thing since sliced foccaccia, but I don't feel that way. I am completely and absolutely acting during these interviews - I mean, that's not news to anyone, nor is it unique to me, but this whole Italy adventure is bringing into sharp focus what is true and real and what isn't.
So, feeling better after my walk, I arrived home and put together my dinner - had I know what was to come later, I would have eaten more... but all I wanted at the time were mozzarella stuffed zucchini flowers, so that's what I made - delicious!
Then I went to meet Tina, Flavio and their friend Marta to head over to the bar to watch the soccer game. Rome lost in the end but the evening turned into a mini-reunion among Tina and

So today I slept in and tabled my whole plan to not suffer from the time difference, it's not working anyways. So I slept and slept and then headed out for a walk around the 'hood. Nothing remarkable to report, but I did see a beautiful plaque, finally dedicated to the women of World War II:

"To the women of Rome who, together with the soldiers and countrymen, in days of extreme danger and intrepid resistence, defended their city and their country, healed wounds, comforted the dying, all while themselves facing death, many losing their lives. The City of Rome and the National Partisan Association of Italy, place this plaque to forever remind us of, and honor, the courage, the devotion, the ideal, of liberty and of peace."
Bello, no?
yay pictures!
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