Wednesday, October 04, 2006

October 03, 2006

Well, my camera stopped working (again) but Mika and I got too stuffed with salami, cheese, bread and :::hiccup::: wine at a local enoteca to actually make dinner anyways. My spaghetti and clams were excellent however, and I had enough leftovers to make two more meals, reheated the old-fashioned way, over an actual flame. Here is all the remained after lunch:

Domani - amatriciana!

In an effort to scrape up just a little non-food-related news, I was offered a volunteer position today at the non-profit where I interviewed last week. Every time i think of this interview I get more upset - how dare this guy imply that I am trying to do something slippery? He has every opportunity to hire me legally. In any case, I am torn because they said it could be on my terms - the number of hours and the expectation that when and if I do find work, my committment to them would obviously change - not to mention, it'd be a great opportunity to learn about, and contribute to, a good organization and meet new international people. On the other hand, why should they get me for free? I can't help but ask myself if they really did like me that much or if they thought that by hiring me they could afford a new espresso machine?

Domani - decision!


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well- its for anyone who gives a crap! LOL i just dont have as many fabulous things to write about as you do! i am just stuck in piddly maine with no cable. :)

At 7:23 PM, Blogger Cupcake said...

emmadoodle, those greasy guidos! Here's what I would do. I would say that you would like to volunteer with them because you really believe in the important work that they do (what is this place? Chocolate wholesaler?) But then say that since they are unable to take you on as a full time paid employee and sponsor you for working papers you are uncomfortable to committ for more than one month.

Do good work. Use them for a month to network, make connections, see if they offer you a full time job, and if not, move on (but don't burn the bridge).


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