October 04, 2006
The season is changing here in Rome, finally. Autumn is creeping in with temperatures in the LOW 70s instead of the mid-to-high 70s. It is a time of sinus headaches, light jackets and of change. So I made myself send out a couple of more resumes in the morning, and then headed out for some sightseeing. I wish everyone could spend their first week in a new place just buying and preparing food, and then start sightseeing the second week - it's really worked out splendidly for me - I actually have the energy to appreciate and commit to memory what I am seeing and feeling.

I proceeded then to walk the long way....passing through "the most beautiful coutyard in Rome" (part of the university La Sapienza):

... to San Crispino for their famous honey-flavored house flavor, and it was worth the walk and the getting lost. It was like cold, icy, creamy honey. And the gelato guy asked me if my next boyfriend might be a gelatoio. You never know...
On the way home, I passed by the Piazza del Quirinale to take in the incredible sunset before me from the position on the Quirinale hill, the original hill of Rome. It was just like a Maxfield Parish painting (thank you, Amy Doucha, for, among other things, turning me on to Maxfield Parish!). My photos didn't come out well..the camera is still acting up...but you can get the idea:

Feeling inspired by the fresco of my life, I made the call to my host-mom from my year in Florence, who I'd tragically lost touch with over the last 4 years. I am headed to a reunion in Florence this weekend, for past and current students, and I wanted to make sure 1) I didn't not surprise her and 2) I got to spend some time with her and her son Niccolo (now 6!!) outside of the chaos of the party. Her voice, laughter and the sincerity of her excitement in hearing from me brought back so many good memories of that year, and I am now so anxious to see her and my little Nicco on Saturday.
Finally, it was dinner time, and the amatriciana came out GREAT.
(notice the label-less beer bottle in the background)
Finally, I made my decision about the NGO offer. I decided to turn it down. My gut told me that I would constantly be changing my schedule, and thereby my committment, to them, and that wouldn't be fair. They promised they would do nothing to assist in my work paper endeavors, and I do not feel that is a proper exchange for my efforts, no matter how flexible their offer. The woman I interviewed with (an American) wrote back saying she really appreciated my honesty and my respectful response, and that she remained open to my coming in at any time should my situation change (become more regular) - or, just to contact her as a friend. I think it worked out well in the end - no bridges were burned, I did not "sell myself short," (a hard-earned lesson from EIS) and I still have my freedom to travel and explore.
Brava, bella on all the great pictures and wise decisions. Ever my hoot. Can't wait to hear all about the Monica/Nico visit and how the old haunts are holding up!
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