Monday, October 23, 2006

back to good

So I had begun this post writing about how I was feeling a bit better having gotten a call for another interview and because the rain is finally gone, when who should telephone but the Embassy - it seems they wanted to settle things up with their new cashier!!! (me). I start tomorrow - looks like the bottles of spumante we were given this weekend at the tasting came just in time...

Now I still need to look for other work since this is part time and pays very VERY little, but for now, all I can think of is celebrating!!

PS - in a related note, you will find I edited the "acknowledgements" in my October 18th post. I had understood it was Tina who put in a good word on my behalf at the Embassy, but in fact it was Flavio - you're the man F!


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

woooooooo hooooooooo congratulations! so exciting! a real job!

At 2:56 AM, Blogger Melissa Mednicov said...



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