Wednesday, October 11, 2006

In the mouth of the wolf

That's how you say 'good luck' in Italian if translated directly...and I am going to need it because I have another non-interview tomorrow (Wednesday). My lovely ex-coworker at the Rome office passed my cv along to her friend who also works in tourism here in Rome, at a company that handles conferences, congresses and every other sort of event that is on a massive scale - for example, they were in charge of all guest accommodations for the Olympics in Torino earlier this year! I am meeting said friend for a panino and a chat tomorrow before she proposes that her superiors meet with me to officially tell me they can't hire me because I don't have work papers. No - kidding - I'm pretty sure she knows I don't...ok like 60% sure...

I finished my translation today - I'd forgotten since my translation course in college that you never ever get to a point where you can say to yourself "It's perfect, I can do nothing more." But I am proud of the work I did and can now go back to being lazy.

Lastly, so my friend Katie will stop whining, here is a link to her blog - so to all one of you who reads my blog, please check hers out too...she might possibly have the cutest baby in the world (videos of Bella are included on the site - though Katie you have yet to post one of her saying Emma...) and is one sassy Mainer.