Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Yup, those are my feet.

I'd never been to the beaches of the Rome environs before, and since the forecast says we are dipping into the 60s for the rest of the week, I took advantage of the 73 degree, clear day to check them out. I hopped on the train and headed for Ostia. To my enjoyment, the beaches were almost deserted - however, that did not stop a continuous train of passerby to stop and chat with me. I think there is a perception here that if a young woman is doing anything without all her girlfriends around, she must be sad or lonely and need some company, and the males just want to help out - no matter how old they are or how small their bathing suit. Seriously, out of the 5 hours I was there, I probably spent 1 1/2 of them on my own. And keep in mind - I was reading a listening to my headphones the whole time.

In any case, it was a lovely, salty day and I believe I've been re-energized by the sea - always a place close to my heart. The work search roars back into action tomorrow.


At 3:31 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow- I cant believe you actually went to the Beach! its frigid out! LOL :)

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Cupcake said...

Emma, heard there was a subway crash. Hope you weren't involved.


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